Well turns out I DID get them for Christmas, and so now I've had the opportunity to try them guilt-free and not feel bad about throwing them away if they were terrible. Thus far I've had difficulty in bringing myself to using them in fear of ruining a perfectly delicious sandwich or meal, but I HAVE tried them a little. Here are my experiences thus far:
Bacon-Salt: I tried this on some popcorn because I know this same company makes a product called Bacon Pop. It actually was pretty good. X didn't like it at all, but I plan to put it on all my popcorn in the future. I think it'll be a good strategy in the future for ensuring that she doesn't HOG all the popcorn on our movie nights ;) Here are some other ways I plan to try this in the future:
- Scrambled Eggs
- Steamed Veggies
- Sandwiches
Baconnaise: First off I have to say that this doesn't smell anything like bacon to me. Its' like a weird combination of thousand island dressing smell and Worcestershire sauce - but that's still not quite it. I've had it on a sandwich or two and couldn't really taste anything (this could be due to the fact that X says I barely scrape any mayo on my sandwiches anyways). But Friday night I did the ultimate taste test - a Tuna Bacon-Salad Sandwich! It actually wasn't half-bad, and surprisingly enough it actually did kinda taste like bacon. Some other ideas I'm trying to talk myself into:
- Deviled Eggs
- Celery Sticks
- Fry Sauce
- Egg Bacon-Salad Sandwich
- Bacon Dip (yes - dipping bacon INTO it)
If I haven't grossed you out already, why don't you give it a shot and leave a comment with your most disgusting (or even good) ideas on how I can use my new bacon-substitute products? And if you are interested in trying some of these products, just remember what they say - Baconnaise is "For people who want heart disease, but are too lazy to make the bacon". Cheers!