Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Distorted Reality

X's laptop has a cool program on it called Photo Booth that lets you take pictures with various effects added to them. Needless to say we have had a lot of fun with these effects and have turned out a bunch of funny pictures. I wanted to share some of our favorites that we have taken over the last year:

This one always makes me chuckle. With my eyebrows pointed down and my creepy smile, it looks like I'm up to no good

X looks just so sweet and innocent in this picture! No one would ever guess there's a raging spirit within...

This one always reminds me of this kid named Ganton who worked with me at Adagio. Gotta love the double-chin action

X looks a little... handicapped in this one ;)

I think this one and the one above it make me look like a black guy...

For some reason I always thought this one made me look like Joe Camel...

Talk about a cleft chin!

My tiny mouth, raised eyebrow, and the little tuft of hair at the top make this one a priceless little gem

This one is my ultimate favorite. I don't know what it is about this picture, but the look on my face just gets me. I couldn't stop laughing after we took this picture, and it still makes me laugh every time I see it

It's amazing how different these effects can make you look! Which one is your favorite? Leave your vote in a comment below!


Katherine X said...

OH babe!! I love the last picture too, but another favorite of mine is one of your "black" pictures where your face is really round (the second one). I hope everyone laughs at these as much as we do!

Sarah said...

hahahaha... that is good. I loved the one where you described the picture as a 'gem'..the second to last one. Oh my heck it doesn't look like you at ALL.. you look like half alien half human or something!! It made me laugh.

AllyPally said...

Oh my!!! lol I think my favorite one is the Ganton kid one! HA HA HA It just crackes me up! Thanks for coming over last night!!! It was so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I like the one where your mouth is really small. The "Priceless Gem"

D. Bradford said...

I'd like to change things but a bit, rattle a few cages and comment on the comments themselves, if I may:

Frankly, I'd like to know what "Thanks for coming over last night!" implies and why, whatever it was, was "so much fun!"

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!