Sunday, March 6, 2011

Three-Way? Yes Please!

No matter where you are in the world, there is always some new kind of food that you have never tried, or a food that is exclusive to the area you live. While I was in Cincinnati on an LDS mission, aside from people eating roadkill and squirrels, they ate spaghetti topped with Chili. And they called it a two-way. Want to add cheese? Ask for a three-way. More toppings? Four- or five-way and so on from there.

The other day I made a batch of some homemade chili and was thinking about what I could make with it when I remembered the Cincinnati-style meal. Here's my creation:

A six-way with chili, cheese, fresh tomatoes, salsa, and sour cream

Next time you're looking for a simple meal, but not the same-old red-sauce spaghetti, suggest a 3-way to your significant other and see what they have to say!


Katherine X said...

I want to try a six-way as well! Sounds delicious! said...

Do you think it tasted yummy?

K.C. said...

Of course! I only eat yummy things

Unknown said...

I actually eat this with chili and cheese all the time at college. My roommates and Bruce love it too! Thanks for sharing the idea!